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Pakistan imposes visa regime for Afghan truck drivers

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has imposed visa regime for the drivers of Afghan trucks to pass through Pakistan only with a passport and a valid visa.

According to an official report on Tuesday, the visa for entry into Pakistan has also been made mandatory for drivers of commercial vehicles at the Pakistan-Afghanistan Torkham Border.

Earlier, drivers could enter Pakistan only with a passport. After the announcement by the government of Pakistan, the movement of passenger and commercial convoys is allowed with valid passport and visa. In this regard, special measures are being taken for two-way traffic on the Torkham Border in a legal manner.

Officials of the two countries at the Torkham Border recently held a meeting on travel documents for legal transit and agreed that passports and visas should be required for transit from both countries.

These important measures are aimed at stabilizing trade legally, improving security and preventing smuggling. Traders and truck drivers welcomed the move after both countries announced the legal documents.
