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National Quetta

BAP founding members rejected intra-party poll: Agha

QUETTA: Muhammad Rahim Agha, central leader of Balochistan of Balochistan Awami Party has said that the founding members of BAP had unanimously rejected the recently held bogus intra party election of BAP district Quetta.

The election was conducted covertly through fake basic units of the party without intimating the genuine basic units of the party, he said while addressing a press conference at Quetta Press Club here on Sunday. He said that office bearers as well as workers of most of the active units of BAP District Quetta were unaware about the said election.

He called on Jam Kamal Khan Alyani, Central President, Balochistan Awami Party and Chief Minister Balochistan, senior leader Saeed Ahmed Hashmi and General Secretary, Manzoor Ahmed Khan Kakar to declare the bogus election of Balochistan Awami Party, District Quetta null and void and instead announce a new date for conducting the election of BAP district Quetta. On the occasion, senior leaders of Balochistan Awami Party (BAP), Haji Fu Jan Bareach, Haji Azar Shah, Dr. Tahir Khan, Syed Haider Agha, Waheed Baloch, Syed Rasheed Agha, Sardar Nur Muhammad Khilji, Abdul Rahim Achakzai and others were also present.


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