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Fresh crackdown on JI activists in IIOJK sparks outcry

SRINAGAR: Indian authorities have launched a fresh spree of raids, crackdowns and arrests targeting members of Jamaat-e-Islami across Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

According to Kashmir Media Service, India’s dreaded National Investigation Agency (NIA) and paramilitary forces are conducting extensive operations, seizing documents and apprehending individuals associated with JI’s social and welfare activities, including education, healthcare and support for the disadvantaged.

Indian troops, paramilitary, police and dreaded agencies, during their house raids and searches across the occupied territory in the last few days, have seized documents of JI trusts and their members who are working for the welfare of society and helping poor people in education, medicine, and marriages.

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) in a statement expressed serious concern over the victimization of common people by the Indian forces’ personnel, as well as sleuths of the dreaded National Investigation Agency (NIA) and State Investigation Agency (SIA), during cordon and search operations and house raids in Srinagar, Budgam, Baramulla, Kulgam, Islamabad, Kishtwar, and Jammu districts.

The APHC spokesperson labeled the crackdown as a form of political vengeance, aimed at punishing Kashmiris for their dedication to serving their homeland socially, religiously, and politically.

The APHC also demanded the release of all illegally detained Kashmiri political prisoners languishing in different jails of India and IIOJK. The statement appealed to the UN Human Rights Council, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and other world bodies to send their teams to take stock of the grave human rights situation in the occupied territory.


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