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Cloudy, partly could weather expected in parts of country

KARACHI: Met office reported on Tuesday that on Wednesday, mainly cold and dry/ partly cloudy/ cloudy weather is expected in most upper parts of the country while rain/snowfall is expected at isolated places in Upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan. Fog/ smog is likely to prevail in plain areas of Punjab.

Past 24-Hour Weather

Cold and dry weather prevailed over most parts of the country, while very cold in hilly areas. Today’s Lowest Minimum Temperatures (°C): Skardu -12, Leh -09, Astore -08, Gilgit -07, Kalam, Hunza, Bagrote -05, Bunji, Malamjabba, Rawalakot -04, Dir, Drosh, Quetta and Srinagar -01.
