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Speakers urge collective responsibility in disaster management

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) held a seminar titled “Disaster Resilient Pakistan” at National University of Technology (NUTECH), Islamabad on Thursday.

The seminar was a strategic gathering of experts, policymakers and stakeholders from various sectors, aimed at reinforcing Pakistan’s disaster resilience, according to an official statement.

The event hosted a series of in-depth discussions on climate resilience, emergency preparedness, climate change adaptation and community resilience, reflecting Pakistan’s commitment to international disaster management standards.

The seminar witnessed the inauguration of significant publications/books on disaster management, including “Global Best Practices in Disaster Management,” “Anticipatory Action in Disaster Management: A Comprehensive Guide 2024,” and “Templates and Methodologies for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure 2024.”

The Exposition/Appraisal on NDMA’s key initiatives including Mobile Application/Mobile NEOC (National Emergencies Operation Center), and YouTube Channel was briefed during seminar.

The seminar commenced with opening remarks by Ms Romina Khurshid Alam, Coordinator to Prime Minister for Climate Change which was followed by three panel discussions on relationship between climate change and disasters, collective responsibility for Disaster Management and adopting a National Anticipatory Approach for Disaster Resilient Pakistan.

The speakers emphasized on the collective responsibility in disaster management and discussed the adoption of a national anticipatory approach. Guest of Honour of seminar, Rector NUTECH, Lt General (retd) Moazzam Ejaz delivered the closing remarks.

Chairman NDMA, Lieutenant General Inam Haider Malik briefed attendees on the establishment of a modern National Emergencies Operation Center at NDMA.

He outlined the capabilities of NEOC, enabled by multiple satellite feeds, software and artificial intelligence tools, to generate a National Common Operating Picture (NCOP), strengthening digital risk assessment, early warning systems and preparedness strategies for Pakistan.

He emphasized the role of government and institutions in disaster risk reduction entails need for comprehensive policies, regulatory frameworks, and cross-sector collaborations to effectively translate knowledge into actionable measures.

He urged that engaging young people not only builds future resilience but also injects fresh perspectives and innovative ideas into disaster management strategies.

The seminar was attended by key stakeholders, including government officials, Ambassadors, representatives of UN agencies, development partners, humanitarian organizations, academia, disaster response experts, media, tech professionals and youth, all dedicated to investing in disaster risk reduction and resilience building as a key component of sustainable development.

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