LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi and PML-Q Parliamentary Leader Sajid Bhatti presided over the PML-Q parliamentary party meeting at CM office on Wednesday in which political situation came under a comprehensive review along with chalking out future strategy.
During the meeting, the PML-Q parliamentary party members reposed their complete trust in the leadership of CM Parvez Elahi and delegated complete authority of making all decisions to the Punjab CM.
It was resolved during the parliamentary party meeting that all PML-Q members of Punjab Assembly in case of filing no-confidence motion will cast their vote in favour of CM Pervaiz Elahi, Speaker Punjab Assembly Sibtain Khan and Deputy Speaker Wasiq Qayyum, CM Parvez Elahi while addressing the meeting stated that we would stand by Imran Khan with our heart and soul and would remain so InshaAllah in future as well.
The CM stated that PML-Q is united and will remain so adding that those spreading rumours are treading on a specific agenda and the nefarious designs of such elements who are engaged into making such a false propaganda of internal differences will be foiled.
Sajid Bhatti said that the PML-Q parliamentary party is united under the leadership of CM Parvez Elahi adding that we are standing with CM Parvez Elahi like an iron wall and will remain so. He remarked that the Chief Minister is our leader and the whole parliamentary political as well as public force is standing shoulder to shoulder with Chief Minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi.
Hafiz Ammar Yasir, Shujjat Nawaz, Muhammad Abdullah Warraich, Muhammad Rizwan, Ehsan-ul-Haq, Muhammad Afzal, Khadija Umer, Basma Chaudhry attended the meeting. MNA Hussain Elahi also participated in the meeting.