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Pakistan calls for addressing escalating threats in outer space

At the United Nations (UN), Pakistan has called for collective action to address the escalating threats in outer space.

The call was made by Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the UN Munir Akram while participating in the UN General Assembly debate in New York on the use of the veto regarding the Outer Space Resolution.

Munir Akram underscored the gravity of the situation, citing the proliferation of weapons in space and the increasing militarization of outer space by major powers, according to a Radio Pakistan’s report.

He expressed concern over the deployment of missile defense systems and their integration with outer space technologies, warning of the destabilizing impact on global and regional security.

Munir Akram emphasized the need for multilateral cooperation, particularly within the Conference on Disarmament, to address the growing threats posed by the weaponization of outer space.

He stressed Pakistan’s commitment to promoting inclusive and transparent deliberations on global disarmament issues within appropriate forums.
