In a shocking incident, a United States (US)-returned family fell victim to a brazen robbery by three individuals disguised as police officers. The robbers stopped the family’s car near Harbanspura on Lahore’s ring road and made off with gold worth Rs. 5.2 crore at gunpoint.
According to the reports, the unsuspecting family was traveling from Lahore Airport to Faisalabad when they were intercepted by the impostors. The robbers had equipped their white Corolla vehicle with a blue light, resembling a police siren, to create the illusion of an official vehicle.
Under the pretense of conducting a routine check, the robbers brandished firearms, demanding valuable gold from the terrified family. Swiftly executing their crime, the robbers made a hasty escape, leaving the victims shocked and traumatized.
Law enforcement agencies swiftly responded with a case promptly registered. The police have initiated a search operation to apprehend the culprits and bring them to justice. Investigators are in the process of obtaining footage from the numerous surveillance cameras installed along the ring road and interchange.
Source: Pro Pakistani