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Distribution Companies Lack Equipment and Training to Stop Electricity Theft

A comprehensive intelligence report delving into power theft and staggering line losses worth billions of rupees within various Distribution Companies (DISCOs) across the nation has raised significant concerns. The report uncovers a dire lack of modern devices and training among the staff tasked with combating power theft, exacerbating the issue.

Despite the presence of clip-on meters capable of detecting electricity amperage, they remain incapable of identifying electronic devices responsible for stealing power. Sophisticated software facilitates remote control over modern meter chips, with allegations that these chips have been covertly installed by private electricians and engineers, often with the involvement of DISCOs’ staff.

The report further reveals a troubling pattern of deception. Electricity thieves employ remote-controlled chips within meters, enabling them to reactivate meters when raid threats loom. CCTV surveillance watches over the movements of inspection teams, and, alarmingly, industry insiders sometimes tip off power thieves about impending raids.

Inadequate training compounds the issue, rendering staff incapable of uncovering hidden meter chips. DISCOs’ meters are occasionally swapped with dummies, confounding meter readers who record artificially low consumption. This results in significantly reduced bills for consumers, robbing DISCOs of rightful revenue.

Line losses are not solely attributable to theft; the report highlights infrastructure challenges. These include excessively long 11KV lines, faulty conductors, damaged transformers, and substandard materials. Overloaded transformers, often repaired by private workshops lacking critical maintenance capabilities, contribute to the crisis.

Moreover, a shortage of staff in subdivisions servicing tens of thousands of customers has fueled corruption. High fees for new connections and exorbitant charges for altering three-phase industrial meters raise questions about staff integrity and potential collusion.

Regrettably, union officials focus on defending corruption instead of advocating for staff protection and fair facilities, leaving employees apprehensive and their legitimate demands unmet. The report underscores the urgent need for systemic reforms to combat power theft and reduce line losses, while also emphasizing the importance of transparency and staff training.

Source: Pro Pakistani


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