LAHORE:Caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi on Thursday removed the General Hospital Medical Superintendent (MS) over inadequate arrangements. In a surprise visit to the hospital, the caretaker CM inspected the Neuro Angiography machine and directed its immediate activation. Reprimanding the MS over the closure of air conditioners in various wards, the caretaker CM said to the MS, “Take a look at your performance, patients in most wards are suffering from severe heat as ACs are not working.”
In addition, the caretaker CM also visited the home-based worker, Rizwana, who was a victim of domestic violence. The doctors briefed Naqvi about Rizwana’s medical condition and the treatment being done. The CM directed the doctors to ensure complete treatment of Rizwana. Also, a couple of days ago Punjab caretaker chief minister Mohsin Naqvi said it was the government, not doctors, which was responsible for the pitiable condition of state-run hospitals.
Addressing the senior doctors of the Services Hospital, Naqvi said he had visited the Services Hospital a couple of days ago and was disappointed to see the condition, adding he would not have any of his relatives admitted to its operating theatre. “The number of patients is high in the government hospitals and it’s the government rather than doctors which is responsible for the pathetic condition of the Services Hospitals,” he deplored.
“We should not hold doctors responsible for every wrongdoing and we must thank them who shoulder the burden of examining five patients at a time,” he highlighted. “We can produce good results even in weeks and months if we start performing our duties as Pakistanis,” the CM added. The government, he said, was trying to improve the condition of hospitals adding the people in general and the hospital staff, too, should play their pivotal role for the betterment of society.
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