Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Bugti today instructed the Secretary Health to prepare a detailed case for increasing allowances for various categories of health professionals.
An unofficial note issued by the Chief Minister’s Secretariat reveals the directive. The note, signed by Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Babar Khan, outlines the Chief Minister’s desire to review and enhance the allowances of health workers.
The categories under consideration include the Health Professional Allowance (HPA), and Risk Allowance for paramedical staff, ministerial staff, nurses, pharmacists, and doctors. The proposal will also address disparities between the Teaching Allowance and HPA for teaching faculty and recommend an increase in stipends for house officers and postgraduate trainees.
The proposal, once finalized, will be presented to the provincial cabinet for approval. This move comes amid growing concerns over the financial challenges faced by healthcare workers in the province, who have long demanded a revision of their allowances to reflect current economic realities.