All Parties Conference of Azad Kashmir has demanded of the European Union to designate a special representative on Kashmir to check the humanitarian violations in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir by Indian forces.

Addressing a joint news conference in Islamabad today [Sunday], President Azad Kashmir Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry said India since its unilateral and illegal actions of 5 August 2019, has been trying to disturb identity, integrity, and demography of IIOJK.

He said India has given fake domiciles of IIOJK to 4.2 million Indian Hindus while around 4,000 Indian citizens have applied for procurement of land in the occupied valley to take control of the Kashmir’s economy.

The AJK President said around one million India troops have virtually transformed the entire held valley into an open prison, where Indian security forces are committing worst state terrorism and human rights violations.

He said media is under extreme sanctions and Srinagar Press Club has been closed to suppress the voices of the people of Kashmir. He said, keeping all these things in view, the AJK government has decided to raise voice for freedom from Azad Kashmir, which is the base camp of Kashmir’s liberation.

Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry said the joint leadership of Azad Kashmir will organize rallies in Islamabad, Muzaffarabad and other big cities of Pakistan.

He said the first rally will be organized in Islamabad in the second week of March this year, while the second one will be held in Muzaffarabad and this process will be further expanded to other parts of Pakistan.

He said the joint leadership will also organize a demonstration in London to mobilize the international community against Indian atrocities in held valley and to resolve the Kashmir issue in line with the UN Security Council’s resolutions.

The AJK President also demanded of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to convene a special meeting of OIC Foreign Ministers on Kashmir just like its earlier session on Afghanistan.

He said the joint leadership of Azad Kashmir will also visit New York on the occasion of UN General Assembly session being held in September this year to urge the international community to play its effective role in resolution of this longstanding dispute.

Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry said Kashmiri leadership from across the Line of Control and diaspora will be invited in the next All Parties Conference.

Source: Radio Pakistan

News Reporter

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