BAHAWALPUR: Up to 717,000 children under the age of five years will be administered anti-polio drops in the Bahawalpur district during the anti-polio drive starting from August 2, 2021. This was told in a meeting here Thursday under the chair of Deputy Commissioner Bahawalpur Irfan Ali Kathia. Focal Person Dr Zaki Ali briefed the meeting that 1770 teams have been constituted for the campaign which included 1464 mobile teams, 167 fixed teams, 133 transit teams and special teams for the Cholistan and the river areas.
The campaign will be monitored by 477 Area In-charges, 122 Union Council Monitoring Officers and six tehsil supervisors. The left out children will be given vaccines on August5 and 6. Deputy Commissioner directed to use masks, gloves and hand sanitisers during the campaign in order to avoid the spread of coronavirus. He said that all-out efforts were needed to make the campaign successful and make the district polio-free.
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