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Anti-Narcotics Force and Sir Syed University organizes Anti-drug Awareness Seminar

KARACHI: The Protocol Section of Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology (SSUET) in collaboration with the Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) organized an Anti-drug Awareness Seminar that was attended by the faculty and students. Chief Guest of the event was Joint Director ANF, Lt. Col. Shakir Ullah Khan.

Addressing the seminar, Joint Director ANF, Lt. Col. Shakir Ullah Khan said that the Anti-Narcotics Force is a leading state agency combating the menace of drugs. In 2023, we seized 6 metric tons of drugs worth 1 million US dollars in international market and caught 300 accused drug smugglers and peddlers. ANF’s strategy focused on 3 directions – Drug Supply Reduction, Drug Demand Reduction and International Cooperation.

Elaborating further, he said that ANF prevents the trafficking and production of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursor chemicals. ANF is organizing awareness campaigns, maintaining Model Addicts Treatment and Rehabilitation Centres (MATRCs) across the country, besides conducting a range of operations including, controlled delivery operations with international allies, busting regional and provincial drug trafficking organizations, launching poppy eradication operations and drug demand reduction programs.

Model Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre (MATRC) is providing free-of-cost of cost treatment, boarding and lodging facilities to drug addicts.

Presenting a welcome address, the Chairperson of the Business Administration Department, Dr. Ammad ul Haq said that Human is supreme creature on the basis of intellect and brainpower. The human brain plays a pivotal role in making him a super creature and the use of drugs directly hits the brain and affects his intelligence.

Time demands us to save our youth from the curse of drug addiction because youth is the future of our country.

Clinical Psychologist and Addiction Therapist of Model Addicts Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre Lyari, Sana Aslam said that Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences. It is considered a brain disorder because it involves functional changes to brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control.

Explaining about the types of addiction, she said that chemical addiction refers to substances that can be addicting which include alcohol, cocaine, ice, cannabis, methamphetamine, etc. In chemical addiction, body starts to require more and more substance to feel the same effects. While Non-chemical addiction is a Behavioral addiction that includes gambling, love addiction, eating patterns, exercise, etc.

Clinical Psychologist, SSUET, Dr. Sumbul Mujeeb, said that all institutions are working together to eradicate this severe problem of addiction putting efforts together. Addiction to drugs brings changes in attitude and personality development resulting in a kind of mental disorder. According to a survey around 6.7 million Pakistani are involved in drug addiction.

Presenting a vote of thanks, Registrar SSUET, Cdr. (R) Syed Sarfraz Ali said that drug use is the most serious contemporary challenge in Pakistan and addiction to drugs is on the rise in the academic institutions, which is affecting students’ physical and mental health. There is an urgent need to develop a comprehensive strategy to address the alarming problem of drug addiction in academic institutions involving all the stakeholders to interrupt the supply chain and punish those who are involved in the heinous crime of trading illicit drugs.

Appreciating the Protocol Officer, Noman Ahmed and his team for organizing such a thought-provoking seminar, he underscored that SSUET management deserves appreciation for cultivating a drug-free environment at the university. We produce a workforce capable of bringing positive, sustainable, measurable, and lasting change in society. The youth is the most valuable asset, so it is very important to provide a favorable educational environment to the young generation.


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