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Day: July 14, 2022

Behind the rise of Afghanistan’s booming meth industry

Published by Al-Araby Drugs are deeply embedded in Afghanistan’s economy, and under the Taliban, trade is flourishing. While the country has long been linked with heroin, in recent years it has also emerged as a significant producer of methamphetamine – a highly

‘World’s oldest’ tour guide leader dies in Baghdad

Published by Al-Araby The life of Geoff Hann (85) probably the world’s oldest tour leader, who died from a stroke in Baghdad’s Yarmouk Hospital in April was celebrated at a commemoration at London’s Abrar Foundation. For 50 years Hann took tourists to

IMF reaches deal with Pakistan to revive $6B bailout

Published by Al-Araby The International Monetary Fund said Thursday it had reached a preliminary agreement with Pakistan to revive a $6 billion bailout package for this impoverished Islamic nation, which has been facing a serious economic crisis since last year. Pakistan and