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Macroeconomic indicators stable with reserves in a stable condition: PM

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday said that Pakistan’s macroeconomic indicators are stable with reserves in a stable condition.

Chairing a meeting of the Macro Economic Advisory Group here in Islamabad, he said the government has tackled both the economic disaster left by the previous government and COVID very well; and now the economy is growing at a sustainable pace.

The Prime Minister said increase in Large Scale Manufacturing and value addition of goods, increased revenues and an increase in exports show that the policy measure taken by the government have started to bear fruits.

He said at the end of the current fiscal year, the economy will be growing at a higher rate as compared the previous fiscal year. The meeting was apprised about the current economic situation of the country, improving macroeconomic indicators and a comprehensive strategy to further strengthening the economy.

The meeting was also informed that Pakistan has been acclaimed globally for performing exceptionally well as the incumbent government had to manage the economic disaster left by previous governments.

In addition to that, when the economies were being battered by the adverse effects of COVID, Pakistan not only did well to contain the pandemic, but also sustained its growth rate of 3.9 percent.
